I am truly horrible at updating this blog; my life has changed so much since September and all for the better. I am truly happy for the first time in a long while. Funny thing, it turns out that my parents were right all along… “Make good choices and you will find true joy in the journey”. I am so grateful for my loving parents and the guidance they have given my throughout my life. I have an amazing family! I could spend hours talking about just how amazing they are but for now I will just tell them how much I love and appreciate each and every one of them! You all rock!
I am also grateful for the true friends I have who have been there for me through the rough times and the good times in the last year! I don’t know if I would be where I am today without the support and love of those few people and my family.
Thank you God! I am pumped and excited to see what God has just around the corner for me. The unknown is not so scary when I have God as my guide!
All the “shout outs” aside, (God, Check! Family, Check! Friends, Check!) I will move on to where I am at in life currently. I am still working at Advanced Exteriors as “The Billing Department” and I continue to learn and grow in one way or another in my job. I am getting ready to enter the busy season at work so I am metaphorically saddling up for a long and difficult ride. I have had a pleasant off season so I should be well rested before I get too busy again.
I am excited to be able to continue to grow and learn more about the person I am and develop the person I am becoming. Thank you God! Thank you all!
I am so excited to be able to hear more about what is going on with you. I am thrilled that you have found such wonderful happiness. I would love to hear more about this terrific man that is in your life. He sounds great. Can't wait til your next post. Miss you.